What SMSF’s absolutely need to consider prior to 30 June 2017

30 June 2017
The wide-ranging superannuation reforms come into effect on 1 July 2017. With the changes come a series of issues that Trustees need to be across, even if they don’t immediately affect you or your fund:
Understand the value of assets at 30 June
At 30 June 2017, SMSF Trustees will need to know the total superannuation balance held by members.
If you have assets such as property in your SMSF, you will need to have a current valuation of those assets. Real estate property values in particular may have varied dramatically over the last few years and should be reviewed. The value of the asset needs to be arrived at using a fair and reasonable process. Because of the extent of the changes, it is worth considering the use of an independent and qualified valuer for some assets.
Your total superannuation balance is the total value of your accumulation and retirement phase interests and any rollover amounts not included in those interests. The balance is valued at 30 June each year and it is this value that may determine what you can and can’t do during the following year. For example, if your total super balance is $1.6m or more at 30 June, you are restricted from making further non-concessional contributions in the next year as these contributions may create an excess contribution. And, if your balance is close to the $1.6m cap, then the fund can only accept limited non-concessional contributions.
Self funded retirees – avoiding adverse tax outcomes
If you are receiving a pension or annuity, a $1.6m “transfer balance cap” applies to amounts in your tax-free pension accounts. The cap is essentially a limit on how much money a member can transfer into or hold in a tax-free account. If you have $1.6m or more in a pension phase account, you will need to reduce the pension value level back below the cap before 30 June 2017.
As always, before buying, selling, transferring assets, or making any payments, make sure your trust deed allows you to complete the transactions in the way you intended.
Pat Mannix, Partner, Paris Financial
Follow me on Twitter @mannix_pat
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