
Get your tax money now

The majority of property investors look forward to tax time, gathering their information together as quickly as possible so they can get in to see their accountant and receive their tax refunds from their negatively geared properties, but what if I told you that you didn’t need to wait until tax time to get this money?

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Get your tax money now
( Posted in: Property )

Trusts – You Must have a Corporate Trustee

he last 3 decades have seen a substantial growth in the number of people in Australia establishing trusts. The benefits of such an arrangement have been largely touted by professionals around 2 areas - asset protection and tax benefits.

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Trusts – You Must have a Corporate Trustee
( Posted in: Tax )

Asset Protection Strategy – Gift & Loan Back

Asset protection strategies for our clients are a very big issue. At Paris Financial we lead the way in structuring our clients for asset protection and tax effectiveness. Many business owners and high wealth clients benefit from the structures we put in place for them, providing protection for their assets and ensuring substantial tax savings over the long term.

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Asset Protection Strategy – Gift & Loan Back
( Posted in: Tax )

Five ways to create a reliable income in retirement

With interest rates at record lows and little chance of a change in sight, creating a reliable income in retirement can be challenging.

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Five ways to create a reliable income in retirement

A Will isn’t always the way

You would have heard the saying: “where there’s a will, there’s a way”.

This statement is usually used to encourage people who are losing enthusiasm for a task or goal. But it also reflects the way many people feel about estate planning.

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A Will isn’t always the way

Economic Update - June

As mentioned in the last edition of Market Watch, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cut the official cash rate from 2% to 1.75%, a new all-time low, at their May meeting. The next RBA Board meeting is 7 June 2016.

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Economic Update - June
( Posted in: Allied Health )

The new Australian lifestyle isn’t so average

Overseas holidays, new cars and having the latest technology aren’t considered luxuries anymore, but are standard lifestyle expectations of the new ‘average’ Australian, according to research by MLC.

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The new Australian lifestyle isn’t so average

Are you part of the sandwich generation?

The ‘sandwich generation’ is a term used to describe people typically in their 40s and 50s who are caught between the demands of caring for ageing parents as well as their own dependent children. 

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Are you part of the sandwich generation?